Does acupuncture hurt?
Usually, no. Some people describe it as a strong sensation but not necessarily a painful one. Many don’t even realize needles are being placed if they aren’t watching. Some people notice a pulse of energy while the needles are doing their work. If the sensation is too uncomfortable it is very easy to remove the needles.
What if needles freak me out?
Don’t worry, we can work with it. Evan has lots of experience helping clients get comfortable with needles from little kids to adults who pass out giving blood. We start slow, using smaller needles with super gentle technique and distraction, and build our way up from there!
Is acupuncture safe while pregnant?
In the hands of an experienced practitioner not only is it safe but it can be wildly beneficial! Here are just a few of the things acupuncture can help ease before, during and after birth.
Will Acupuncture work for my condition?
Most likely! Acupuncture helps a wide variety of people of all ages, genders and lifestyles achieve their health goals. Part of the reason why treatment starts with a phone conversation with Evan is so that you can decide together if acupuncture is the best treatment for your specific concerns. Drop Evan a line here or take a look at this basic list.
Do I have to get naked?
Nope. Many treatments can be done with all your clothes on, though you may agree together that some points are easier to reach with a few layers removed. Evan is well trained and experienced with helping his patients feel safe and comfortable at any level of treatment.